Migros second-hand baby and children's goods
Regional resale platform for baby and children's products with flexible handover options in selected Migros stores.

"In collaboration with Loopia, we were able to offer our customers a simple solution for the resale of baby and children's items within a very short space of time."
Sandro Glanzmann
Business Partner Sustainability Non-Food

Loopia relove is a project launched by Migros in collaboration with Loopia. The aim is to promote the purchase and sale of second-hand baby and children's items in the neighbourhood. The offer includes a user-friendly app for the purchase process and enables flexible handover in selected Migros shops. Sandro Glanzmann is Business Partner for Sustainability in the non-food sector and is responsible for the development and implementation of the Loopia relove project together with the Baby and Child sales division at Migros.
How did you start the project?
Sandro Glanzmann: Our motivation for starting the Loopia relove project was rooted in the fact that babies and children quickly grow out of their clothes, which means that they are often only worn a few times. This not only leads to wasted resources, but is also costly and time-consuming. Together with the baby and children's goods team, we looked for a simple way to reuse these products. In this context, we came across the startup Loopia, which offers customizable second-hand solutions for retailers. Together, we worked out the key factors that are crucial for a successful solution in the area of second-hand baby and children's items: local and flexible handover options to minimize shipping costs, a user-friendly platform for creating offers, and security measures such as buyer and seller protection.
What are your goals with the project?
With the Loopia relove project, we are pursuing various goals, all of which are geared towards a sustainable and customer-friendly solution for buying and selling baby and children's items in the neighbourhood. Our focus is on promoting sustainability in the area of baby and children's products by simplifying the trade in second-hand items. Secondly, we want to create a user-friendly solution that makes it possible to sell and buy baby and children's items without cumbersome communication or complex parcel shipping processes. Our aim is to make the entire process as smooth as possible in order to optimally fulfil the needs of our customers.

How does the solution work for customers?
Thanks to the user-friendly Loopia relove app, items can be uploaded to the marketplace quickly. Once a product has been sold, it can be handed in at a selected Migros shop without the hassle of shipping. Flexible collection within five days allows buyers to choose the time themselves. Our local focus promotes community and makes it easier to find products nearby.
How was the collaboration between Loopia and Migros?
The collaboration between Loopia and Migros in the development of Loopia relove was extremely collaborative. Thanks to a great deal of commitment on both sides, we were able to gain a considerable number of users at the first locations within a very short time.
What is the feedback so far?
The feedback was overwhelmingly positive. The simplicity of registering products, the flexibility of the handover and the focus on the local community were highly appreciated by many users. The valuable feedback and feedback from users are an important basis for the gradual further development of the platform.